Friday, May 2, 2008

Hole-in-One for Uncle Sam!

A Hole-in-One for Uncle Sam! And on this very same shown in the picture here!

(Sam, we picked this picture up from a magazine in the hotel we were staying last month in KL's that for coincidence?)

And talking about coincidences, what are the chances of getting a hole-in-one in a golfer's lifetime?
The chance of an average golfer making a hole-in-one is approximately 12,500 to 1, and the odds of a tour professional at 2,500 to 1.

I think striking 4-D has a better chance!


elsieleesam said...

Yup! that's where I shot the ace. Now the excitment is begining to set in.

Just read that somebody in the us scored 2 aces in one game. That must be a trillion to one chance.

(I am using Li Yee/Li kor's account for this message)

glee@singapore said...

Sam, if you were to count all the games you have played in your lifetime (so far) and they add up to less than 2500, you are effectively a PRO golfer today!

Chung Han said...
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Chung Han said...

Dear Uncle Sam,


Please reserve 2 tables for dinner in Pandamaran. That's for scoring a hole-in-one in golf.

Please let us know the date and time. Thanking you in advance ........ HAH


Chung Han said...

Dear 2-Kor,

Don't you worry about setting up a Mahjong session. You can inform Uncle Sam that the memory of taking out my loses and handed it over to him is giving me nightmare!

Shall see to it that my 'revenge' session will be set up asap.


glee@singapore said...

Sam, if you count all the games you have played in your lifetime (thus far) and they add up to less than or around 2500 games, I guess you can regard yourself as a full-fledged GOLF PRO!

elsieleesam said...

George, 2500 games divided by 30 years = 6.944 rounds per months. No! not a pro yet. Luckily too. A pro with my playing skill would stave to death.

elsieleesam said...

Han, Ace shot in Camerons. Come up here for a round and dinner on me. LiYee and I have been waiting for you people to visit us. Invitationis always open.

Unc Sam

elsieleesam said...

George, Miss read your comments on being a pro. I play less than 6.99 rounds per month. So I am a Golf Pro!. Sam