Is this Medicine Man (sell 'koyo') the best kungfu performer in this region?

Auntie Nellie and I caught him in Malacca 2 weeks ago on the street of Jonker Walk. His show to the crowd was a sell-out! After giving the coconut a beating, he could not stop selling his 'koyo' to the eager crowd with their RM10 notes in hand.. me included. He readily tells eveyone he is retiring, which obviously make his koyo even more like a birkin handbag.
Check out this video clip from my handphone. Or better still, check out the same stunt on Youtube is quite a spectacle seeing it 'live'. I understand he's there most Saturdays evenings..until he retires, of course. He has to be the best koyo-performer in Malaysia, if not the region. Quite a Msian icon..
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